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fil cuivre en avarie 3 mt Faire offre avant 0000-00-00
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HTW-50 (G3Si1) is a double deoxidised copper coated carbon steel MIG filler welding wire used under the production of CO2 or CO2/Ar mixed gases.
Shielding Gas: 100% CO2, Mixed gas
Classifications Weld Metal Approvals
GB/T: ER50-6 ABS 3YSA C1
AWS A 5.18: ER70S-6 LR 3S 3YS H15 C1
IS6419:S4 CWB C1 M21
DIN8559:SG2 EN G3 Si1 TUV C1, M21-M33 DIN439
JIS: YGW12 DB C1, M2, M3 DIN EN439
CSA Standard W48-01 ER49S-6 CCS 3YSM CO2
EN ISO 14341 – A – G 42 2 C1/G 42 4 M21 3Si1

Mechanical Properties of Weld Metal

Properties Typical Value
Yield Stress (Mpa) 425
Tensile Stress(Mpa) 532
Elongation(%) 32
Impact Value(J) (-29 ?) 89
Description du matériel Standards de l'acier Pays d'origine: France  
DiamètrePoids (mt)ProduitProduitQualitéCommentaire
vaX328666 1.003.240 fil cuivre216 cartons of solid welding wire. - 3 palets

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